The Kim Hislop Memorial Scholarship for Young Adults

About The Kim Hislop Memorial Scholarship for Young Adults

#t1dlookslikeme #diabetesdoesntstopme #bethehere #ihearyou #showmeyourpump #weneedacure #typenone #livingmybestlife #makediabetesvisible #invisibledisability #typeonetraveler

Capturing Kimberly Hislop's spirit and putting it into written words honestly feels like an impossible task. She was fierce, beautiful, brave, and so many other adjectives that we could break the internet trying to share them all. The hashtags above represent some of what Kim stood for while living with type 1 diabetes that led her to advocate for the type 1 community which she did with immense passion.

Kim discovered the Children with Diabetes organization and applied for a scholarship to attend one of their Friends for Life conferences. She was gifted the scholarship and it was at Friends for Life that she #foundhertribe and she defined #lovethemhard. The friendships and meaningful connections made there helped to give her companionship and courage through the remainder of her life.

Please consider joining us in keeping Kim's spirit and advocacy alive through financial contributions. Your donation will go directly to a scholarship fund that will allow other people living with type 1 diabetes the opportunity to attend Friends for Life in her name. As part of her legacy, she would want everyone to have a chance to attend something with such a profound impact.